UK Gambler Wins £1.7 Million Blackjack Dispute Against Betfred


A UK gambler who played blackjack through Betfred emerged victorious in a legal dispute with the gaming enterprise after they declined to award him a £1.7 million (US$2.3 million) prize he had secured. Betfred asserted that a software malfunction had occurred, but the High Court ruled in favor of the participant, Andy Green.

Mr. Green rejoiced in his triumph back in 2018, but Betfred promptly reached out to him alleging a software error nullified the substantial winnings. Naturally, this initiated a tense legal struggle that burdened Mr. Green and his loved ones. Betfred even proposed a £60,000 agreement in return for his silence, but he declined to yield.

The magistrate ultimately supported Mr. Green, who will now obtain the complete jackpot plus accrued interest. Betfred has acknowledged the verdict and will not pursue an appeal. Following three years, Mr. Green conveyed his feeling of liberation, stating the weight of the situation has been removed from him. He is now anticipating moving forward and ultimately relishing his earnings.

In 2019, Andrew Green initiated legal action against the gaming corporation Betfred. He alleged that a software error, which Betfred attributed to their provider Playtech, was responsible for the withholding of a substantial winning he was due. Green, who claims to have experienced four cardiac events since the 2018 occurrence, contended that the company was not fulfilling their contractual obligations.

Betfred responded by stating that the slot machine experienced a technical issue, hindering its ability to reset correctly, which led to Green unexpectedly hitting the improbable prize. They maintained that such software malfunctions were addressed in their terms of service, suggesting it was merely unfortunate circumstances.

Nevertheless, Judge Foster ruled in favor of Green, declaring that Betfred’s assertions lacked merit.

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