Argentina Raises the Stakes: New Tax Plan to Fuel Economic Growth Through Online Gaming


The South American nation of Argentina is dramatically boosting its share of the internet gaming revenue. Beginning in 2021, the levy on digital wagering will surge from a paltry 2% to a substantial 5%. This action, championed by Finance Minister Martín Guzmán, is a crucial element of the nation’s revised financial plan and pertains to all internet betting dealings. Businesses attempting to circumvent the rules by functioning from tax shelters will face an even steeper 10% tax.

Guzmán views this as a significant stride towards a more prosperous Argentina, characterized by increased employment opportunities and economic stability. He has stressed that the objective is a vigorous economic resurgence founded on a bedrock of steadiness, and this budget serves as the instrument to achieve these goals.

This holds immense significance for Argentina. The virtual gaming sector within the country is flourishing, generating close to $2.4 billion each year. The challenge? Argentina has witnessed a minuscule portion of these earnings due to inadequate national supervision. This revised legislation alters that, with 95% of the tax proceeds channeled directly to the provinces. To ensure transparency, the administration will have access to financial institution and invoice data to monitor online wagers.

Furthermore, they are not undertaking this endeavor single-handedly. Argentina’s own telecommunications entity, Arsat, will contribute to overseeing gaming operations.

This initiative at the federal level is prompting individual provinces to streamline their own regulatory frameworks. Some are expediting short-term regulations, while others are issuing provisional permits to initiate operations. Buenos Aires, consistently at the forefront of progress, is already well-prepared, having finalized internet gaming regulations in the preceding September.

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